DIXFIELD — The Board of Selectmen will vote on several committee and employee appointments at their Monday, June 22, meeting.

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the basement of Ludden Memorial Library.

The selectmen will vote on appointing the new board members, the Town Manager, a municipal Bureau of Motor Vehicles agent and Road Committee members.

Town Manager Carlo Puiia added that the selectmen will vote on the approval of a special town meeting warrant for Wednesday, July 1, for residents to discuss the four municipal budget articles that were defeated at the June 9 referendum ballot.

The defeated articles were the Executive Department, Regional Expenses, Reserve Funds and Debt Service.

Other items on the agenda include:


* Discussion with the Maine Department of Transportation on Safe Routes to School Project.

* Department head report from Public Works.

* Request by Steve Swan to support his effort in naming a hill.
