RUMFORD — Setting goals and regionalizing services were topics for the Board of Selectmen last week at the first meeting since the June 9 town budget vote and election of board member Peter Chase.

“I think regionalization is on everyone’s mind,” Board of Selectmen Chairman Brad Adley said.

Selectman Frank DiConzo asked the board to look at consolidating services. “The savings are there. Let’s not give up on it. Look at where we can save money,” he said.

On June 9, Rumford and Mexico voters chose to keep their local police departments rather than contract with the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office.

Selectman Jeff Sterling asked why merging the two towns’ police departments wasn’t an option on the ballot.

“I would like to see us renew talks with Mexico,” he said, and bring the merger issue to voters. “If presented, I think it would pass.”


Adley asked board members to present two or three goals at an upcoming meeting and a time line to get them done.

Also under selectmen reports, Selectman Mark Belanger said a section of Maine Avenue near the church is falling apart despite patchwork that has been done.

Town Manager John Madigan said he would speak to Road Commissioner Andy Russell about it.

In other business, the board approved using $8,100 in fire protection funds from Hanover and Milton toward an estimated $12,764 repair for Engine 4 firetruck. The remaining money will come out of the department’s operating budget.

Fire Chief Bob Chase said the the 23-year-old truck is housed at the Rumford Point station.

Also last week, the board approved single bids for a pair of town properties. One was $1,002 from Paul Kaulback for 566 Prospect Ave. Because the bid was less than the taxes owed, the remainder will be written off.


The second was a salvage bid of $250 by Ted Kelly for an apartment building at 317 Pine St., with the stipulation that it be taken down within one year.

The money will go into the building demolition fund.

The board gave unanimous approval to have Madigan explore having the assessor and tax collector office exchange spaces with his office in the municipal building. With the removal of a partition, a central window could be installed so a customer could be served by several departments in one place, creating more efficiency.

He said all the department heads are supportive of the move.

Money from the capital improvement fund would cover the cost.

In executive session, negotiations were held between Wow-Za! Ziplines and the board.


Rumford resident Jim Rinaldo, who is a partner in Wow-Za! Ziplines, said the company hopes a contract could be finalized by the next selectmen meeting July 2.

On June 9, residents voted 745-505 to lease three parcels of land along the Androscoggin riverbank so Wow-Za! Ziplines can build a zip line park. The terms have not been decided.

One lot is north of Morency Park on the east side of the river, one is across from Rite Aid and one is near the town snow dump on Rumford Avenue.

The board approved the appointment of DiConzo to the Executive Committee of the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments. Sterling was appointed to the General Assembly.

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