Tessa Lorraine Gooda girl to Justin and Michelle Good of Auburn, Jan. 23. Sibling, Clara; grandparents, Mike and Lorraine Moreau, Auburn.

Hannah Sophia Wheelocka girl to Samantha and Anthony Wheelock of Durham, March 1. Sibling, Emma; grandparents, Ruth and Clifford Howe, Bryant Pond, Paul and Marcia Wheelock, Calais.

Henry John Elmer Snell, a boy to Karen Salter and Tim Snell of Hebron, March 4. Siblings, Maxwell, Vanessa; grandparents, Shirley and the late Elmer Snell, Walford, Iowa, Michelle and the late John Salter, Bury, Quebec, Canada.
Great Grandparents names:

Hunter Paul Colson, a boy to Heather and Nathan Colson of Lisbon Falls, March 5. Sibling, Alexis; grandparents, Susie and Charles Colson Jr., Lisbon Falls; great-grandparents, Lloyd and Sally Reed, Lisbon, Helon Mylen, Samantha and Charles Colson Sr.

Emily Elizabeth Gates, a girl to Brady and Sharon Gates of Greene, March 9. Siblings, Ethan, Austin, Isabelle; grandparents, Shirley and Harold Wills, Greene, Barry and Bobby-Jean Gates, Turner, Melvin McCorrison, Greene;
great-grandparents, Jean Gilbert, Turner.


Shyanne Rose Normand, a girl to  Shane and Katelyn Normand of Gray, March 9. Grandparents, Marc Gauthier, New Gloucester, Tammy Hebert, Poland, Kenneth and Diane Normand, North Yarmouth.

Tyson Jaxen Ledbettera boy to Shawna Rowe and Travis Ledbetter of Lewiston, March 12. Sibling, Damien; grandparents, Marlene and Bill Ledbetter, Pulaski, Va.; great-grandparents, Helena and Lee Trumble, Windham, Linwood and Judy Gerrish, Buxton.

Coralie Bay Harrington, a girl to Rebeccah and Scot Harrington of Wilton, March 16. Siblings, Shelby, Tanner; grandparents, Glana Roberts, Wilton, Kit Shrewsbury, Wilton, Kathi Shrewsbury, McAllen, Texas; great-grandparents, Nell Frasure, Central Pointe, Ore.

Ellison Erlon Hall, a boy to Erlon and Stacy Hall of Woodstock, March 19. Siblings, Evey, Adley; Thomas and Bonnie Hall, Oxford, Debra Knightly, Upton, Edward Smith, Norway; great-grandparent, Theola Raasumaa, Oxford. 

Ariana  St. Peter, a girl to Tiffany and Roger St. Peter Jr. of Auburn, March 19.
Siblings, Dyllan, Logan; grandparents, Jennifer Dillon, Auburn, Rose and Roger St. Peter, Turner.

Hunter Oren Nino Aguirre, a boy to  Ashley and Kyle Aguirre of Lewiston, March 30. Siblings, Sophia, Kiesha, Ellie, Paul; grandparents, John and Shirley Beaudoin, Lewiston, Tom and Tammy Smith, Va., Rick and Liane Lamothe, Lisbon.


Hailey Joe Nemi, a girl to Mike and Bree Nemi of Turner, March 25. Grandparents, Bob and Melinda Loon, Jay, Dick and Noreen, Jay; great-grandparents, Norman and Honey Pomerleau, Jay, Judy and Clayton Jewett, Jay, Sally Nemi, Jay.

Jaxson Scott May, a boy to Tabitha Burnham of Litchfield, April 5. Grandparents, Becky McVay, Litchfield, Scott Burnham, Jay, Eve Fisher, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Patricia Burnham, Jay, Vern McVay, Ellsworth.

Leon Michael Wheeler, a boy to Simone LeBay and Nathaniel Wheeler of Norway, April 5. Sibling, Adalyn; grandparents, Missy and Dave Kenney, South Paris, Robert LeBay, South Paris, Kelley and Howard Thurston, Oxford.

Sage Elizabeth Anketell, a girl to Andrea Boucher and Seth Anketell of Mechanic Falls, April 6. Sibling, Keegan; grandparents, Gary and Tina Boucher, Turner, Mary and Rick Hersom, Minot, Jane Boucher and Steve Morin, Auburn, Steve and Monique Anketell, New Gloucester; great-grandparents, Rita Boucher, Lewiston, Bert Cloutier Sr., Greene, Doris Lachance, Auburn, Valencia Anketell.

Ella Jane Johnson, a girl to Alex and Sarah Johnson of  Bryant Pond, April 8. Sibling, Mackenzie; grandparents, Robert and Nancy Greenwald, Portland, Carolyn and Toby Guildford, Bryant Pond, James Johnson and Catherine Merrill, Greenwood; great-grandparents, Lena Marie Tyler, Rumford.

Kaylyn Smith, a girl to Kristie and William Smith of Auburn, April 8. Siblings, Emma, Jace; grandparents, Lauren Richards, Auburn, Darcie Lessard, Englewood, Fla.; Douglass Pelletier, Vernon, Conn.


Annaliese Maelle Guay, a girl to David and Erin Guay of Lewiston, April 10. Sibling, Samuel; grandparents, Diane and Raymond Guay, Lewiston, Caryl and Michael Giggey, Topsham; great-grandparents, Felicia and William Weymouth, Bangor.

Breann Donna Nagle, a girl to  Jon and Angie Nagle of North Monmouth, April 11. Siblings, Ethan, Dylan, Caden; grandparents, Donald and Donna Deschene, Lewiston, Paul Nagle, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Edward and Connie Roy, Lewiston, Florianne Deschene, Lisbon, Owen Nagle, Dover, Pa.

Aubrey Madelyn Frank, a girl to Elizabeth Lawrence and Timothy Frank of Auburn, April 12. Grandparents, Dan and Shannon Morris, Auburn, Mark Lawrence, Lisbon Falls; great-grandparents, David and Cheryl Crafts, Lisbon Falls, Rob and Claire Morris, Auburn, Marcia Lawrence, Lisbon Falls; great-great grandparents, John Crafts, Lisbon Falls, Beverly Morris, Auburn, Barbara Gray, Lisbon.

Kruze Wesley Merchant, a boy to Mallory Hart and Kurtis Merchant of Poland, April 12. Sibling, Nova; grandparents, Patricia Hart, Poland, Rhonda and Harold Merchant, Poland.

Cole Edward Boon, a boy to  David and Melissa Boon of Auburn, April 13. Siblings, Allura, Wyatt; grandparents, Glen and Amy Chaplin, Harrison, Ed and Karen Boon, Young Harris, Ga.; great-grandparents, Jim and Barbara Dalgaard, Harrison, John Polland, Casco, Sandra Bartlett.

Lyric Ivy Darling, a girl to  Alison Darling of Lewiston, April 15. Sibling, Shadow; grandparents, Linda Darling, Litchfield, Danny Darling, Litchfield; great-grandparents, Florette Morin, Lewiston, The late Lionel Morin.


Isabella Melody Jipson, a girl to Brandon and Emily Jipson of New Gloucester, April 16. Grandparents, Dale and Ruth Jipson, New Gloucester, Michael and Jan Mills, Gray; great-grandparents, Lucille Rowell, Auburn, Beverly Boudreau, Lewiston, Robert and Clara Hanekamp, Cumberland, Md.

Divine Kyleigha Willams, a girl to Crystal Howes of Greene, April 16. Siblings, Adrianna, Bryson; Grandparents, David and Jackie Howes, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Shirley Giguere, Auburn.

Onyx Marie Mills, a girl to Nicole Lambert of Lewiston, April 17. Siblings, Destiney, Kyleigh, Zion, Zyair; grandparents, Shanon Lambert, Lewiston, George Washington, Lewiston.

James Arthur Ricker, a boy to Andrew and Megan Ricker of Turner, April 20. Sibling, Thomas; grandparents, Harry and Nancy Ricker, Turner, Spencer and Penny Jackman, East Livermore; great-grandparents, Don Ricker, Turner, Pat and Dean Dickenson, Turner, Rod and Mim Shaw, Turner, Janice Jackman, East Livermore.

Mia Evelyn Bennett, a girl to Maria Saravia and Michael Bennett Jr. of Greene, April 29. Siblings, Sierra, Hunter, Arianna, Nayeli, Madison; grandparents, Maria Saravia, Leeds, Jaime Saravia, Leeds; great-grandparents, Evelyn Bosworth Bennett, Farmingdale.

Elsie Laurette Fotter, a girl to Regan and Libby Fotler of Auburn, May 1. Grandparents, Mona Murphy, Auburn, Kevin and Audrey Murphy, Auburn, Cub and Sue Fotter, Eustis; great-grandparents, Tom and Linda LeMont, Eustis.


Carter Daniel Morris, a boy to Jesse and Elisha Morris of Hartford, May 7. Siblings, Hunter, Addison; grandparents, Gary and Tricia Morris, Hartford, Marc and Liana Henault, Lisbon; great-grandparents, Glenice Bubier, Greene, Alberta Morris, Hartford.

Adelyn Hazel Flagg, a girl to Darrell and Brianna Flagg of Turner, March 13. Siblings, Lydia.

Bridgton Hospital

Eli Nicholas Kimball, a boy to Jessica L. and Nicholas B. Kimball of Bridgton, Dec. 26, 2014. Sibling, Austin; grandparents, Philip and Nancy Perrry, Turner, Robert and Robin Kimball, Bridgton; great-grandparents, Roland and Bonnie Perry, South Carolina, Dorothy Hodsdon, Massachusetts.

Kathryn Hope MacLean, a girl to Shannon R. Glidden and Rupert MacLean of Naples, March 18. Siblings, Sage, Peyton; 

Daniel Matthew Muise, a boy to Jamie-lee Ferguson and Daniel M. Muise of Bridgton, March 19. Sibling, Dakota; grandparents, Matthew and Maureen Ferguson, Joseph and Rayonne Muise, Nelson Burtt. 


Izabelle Mae Daigle, a girl to Jill A. and Tucker J. Daigle of Sebago, March 31. Sibling, Kinsley; grandparents, Robert and Diane Bourgoin, St. John Plantation, the late John Daigle, stepfather Darold Bossie and Elaine Bossie, Fort Kent; great-grandparents, Elmer and Doris Daigle, Fort Kent, Rena Mae and Roger Bourgin, Fort Kent. 


Mid Coast Hospital

Odin Dominick Pono,  a boy to Tiffany Marie (Russell) and Anthony Joseph Pono of Bath, March 16. Grandparents, Catherine and Samuel Russell III, West Bath, Marlene and Joseph Pono, Bath.

Olivia Paige Lavers, a girl to Breanne Lynn Goddard and Mason Wayne Murphy Lavers of Lisbon Falls, March 17. Grandparents, Gregory and Lisa Goddard, Lisbon Falls, Wayne and Brenda Lavers, Lisbon Falls.

Phinnley Greene Wilcox, a girl to Maureen (Saxton) and Ramsey Mather Wilcox of Brunswick, March 17. Grandparents, Bill and Mimi Saxton, Harpswell, Cynthia and Gilbert Wilcox, Cumberland.


 Brennan Alexander Clement, a boy to Jenna Labbe (Lavallee) and Sean Patrick Clement of Brunswick, March 18. Grandparents, Peter and Diane Lavallee, Topsham, Rick and Cheri Clement, Brunswick.

Madeleine Elise Keegan, a girl to Alison Margaret Keegan and Terrance Sean Prescott of Topsham, March 18. Sibling, Garrett; grandparents, John and Julie Keegan, Kennebunk. 

Katelyn Olivia Robertson, a girl to Megan (Ames) and Jonathan Robertson of Topsham, March 19. Sibling, Juliana; grandparents, Margaret and Ken Ames, Brunswick, Annette and Scott Robertson, Palermo. 

Chandler Jonathan Davis, a boy to Heather Jenny Barry and Jordan Chandler Davis of Brunswick, March 20. Grandparents, Clevette and Alan Barry, Brunswick, Shawna Ricker, Brunswick, Steve Hood, Brunswick; great-grandparents, Uky Barry and Peggy Blanchard.

Carolyn Alma Cunningham, a girl to Jennifer M. (Thompson) and Mathew A. Cunningham of Nobleboro, March 21. Grandparents, Perry and Shawn Thompson, New Harbor, Owen and Deborah Cunningham, Nobleboro.

Violet Jane Griffee, a girl to Stephen and Sarah (Fuller) Griffee of Woolwich, March 23. Siblings, Cameron, Lucas. Grandparents, Hank and Jane Fuller, Woolwich, Dan and Jane Griffee, Enfield, Conn. 


Patrick Michael Flaherty, a boy to Michael Paul and Nicole Rita (Bechard) Flaherty of Bath, March 28. Sibling, Andrew; Grandparents, Stephen and Guylaine Merrill, Lisbon Falls, Michael A. and Faith Flaherty, Wiscasset. 

Anne Ruth Wells, a girl to Adam Richard and Noëlle Christine (Beck) Wells of Waldoboro, March 28. Grandparents, Dan and Ruthie Beck, Waldoboro, Ken and RuthAnn Wells.

Harper Hazel Schneider, a girl to Gregory John Schneider and Carlie Anne Lochner of Sabattus, March 28. Grandparents, Shelene and Robert Lochner, Marion, N.Y., David and Luann Schneider, Marion, N.Y.

Briar Adeline Hendrick, a girl to Shane Wilson and Elizabeth Amber (Hart) Hendrick of Camden, March 27. Siblings, Caleb, Garin, Mason, Mirabelle; Grandparents, Steven and Barbara Hart, Rockport, Richard Hendrick (deceased), Debra Ames of Rockland. 

Maria Emilia Dennison, a girl to Eleonor Gonzalez and Randy Allen Dennison of Bath, April 2. Siblings, Melissa, Melanie; Grandparents, Lisa and Stu Palmer, Brunswick, Isreal Gonzalez, Puerto Rico, Kathy and Andy Bernier, Bowdoin. 

Owen James Keinath, a boy to Ryan Michael Keinath and Jennifer Lynn Clark  of Bowdoin, April 4. Grandparents, Karen Clark and Debra Porter, Augusta, Tammy and David Keinath, Bowdoin.