MEXICO — Directors of Region 9 School of Applied Technology got some good news Wednesday about student interest in vocational programs.

They also hired three people, accepted a resignation and helped longtime Director Betty Barrett celebrate her 90th birthday.

In the past three to four years, Region 9 has had 150 to 160 applicants for its courses, school Director Brenda Gammon said. For the 2015-16 school year, though, 182 students have applied.

“We’re excited,” she said. “That’s higher than it’s been for four years. And it’s not too late for more to apply, because applications are still being accepted.”

The breakdown on applicants from area high schools is: one from Buckfield, 65 from Dirigo in Dixfield, 61 from Mountain Valley in Rumford, 42 from Telstar in Bethel, one from Mount Abram in Kingfield and 12 home-schooled teens.

Gammon said enrollments in courses are:


* Automotive I, 17

* Automotive II, 11

* Business Academy (new this year), 2

* Building Construction I, 9

* Building Construction II, 2

* Certified Nursing Assistant, 20


* Computer Tech I, 5

* Computer Tech II, 4

* Culinary Arts (new this year), 17

* Early Childhood Education I, 17

* Early Childhood Education II, 9

* Employability Skills, 28


* Fire Science I, 5

* Fire Science II, 7

* Forestry I, 5

* Forestry II, 9

* Metal Trades I, 9

* Metal Trades II, 5


Gammon said there is one senior who has applied but hasn’t picked a course yet.

Commercial trucking instructor Eddie Naples said he received 15 applications from students interested in learning truck-driving through his 10-week course. The students are from high schools at Buckfield, Dixfield, Bethel, Rumford and Rangeley.

He is teaching 16 people in his 10-week summer course and is trying to help the state meet a shortage of trained truck drivers. He takes students of all ages.

“There are dozens of jobs available right now, and I can put as many to work as I can train,” Naples said.

In other business, the board voted unanimously to hire Mary-Ellen Carrier of Rumford as a receptionist. She replaces Debbie Nokes of Rumford, who was hired recently as the culinary arts instructor.

Also hired were former forestry teacher David Mason as the student services coordinator, replacing Cheryl Ellis of Peru, who resigned effective July 24; and former forestry education tech Mark Beaudoin of Hanover as forestry/wood harvesting instructor, replacing Mason.


Gammon said Region 9 has advertised for an education technician.

Directors also welcomed back Director Frank DiConzo, giving him a large care package after his recent surgery.

The board welcomed new Andover Director Lindsay Sharkey after she was sworn in.

After adjourning, directors sang “Happy Birthday” to Barrett, who said she’d been a school board member for more than 30 years. Board President Norm Clanton also recognized Director Roberta Taylor, who will celebrate her birthday on the Fourth of July.

Barrett elicited laughter when she said she doesn’t feel like she’s 90 years old.

“I feel like I’m 16,” she said.


“You know, you’re more than twice my age,” Director Don Hutchins, 42, of Canton told Barrett.

“I don’t need to hear that,” she said.

The board presented Barrett with a bouquet of flowers, a large planter of purple petunias and other flowers, a carrot cake that she had asked for and numerous cards from current and former Region 9 students and staff, and people from the Region 9 communities.

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