What has happened to free speech in this country? It seems that there is something that offends someone every day.

The Confederate flag, after all these years, now has become a symbol of unspeakable evil.

And since the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, a Democrat in Congress wants husband-and-wife wording replaced with spouse. Ridiculous.

Illegal immigrants is no longer used to describe those who gain entry illegally in this country. They prefer to be called immigrants or undocumented workers, even though many have broken the law by sneaking into this country. I wonder how many of them are voting in our elections?

Religious freedom is under attack in this country. When Christians espouse their religious views they are called bigots and racists. Ridicule and obscene art depicting Christianity is tolerated but not so the Muslim religion.

I was banned on Facebook for two days just for posting “Ban Muslims” (in regards to Muslims in the military who wanted Christian prayer banned as offensive to them).


Police officers are accused of racism when they arrest black people, but nothing is said when a black person or persons attack and kill whites.

In Portland, Oregon, a school principal was quoted by the Portland Tribune that the peanut butter and jelly sandwich would no longer be served in their school — he declared the sandwich racist.

Political correctness is another way to control and intimidate. I will neither be controlled nor intimidated. I know my constitutional rights.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford

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