FRYEBURG — A 55-year-old man of Rockland, Mass., was rescued on the Saco River on Sunday about 1 p.m. when his canoe flipped at an area known as “Walker’s Rips.”

Witnesses say the man, who was not wearing a life jacket at the time he capsized, went under the water and struck his head and knee on the rocks before being pulled to a nearby beach by other canoeists, according to a statement released by Fryeburg Police Chief Joshua Potvin Sunday night.

Fryeburg Police and Fryeburg Rescue responded to Mile 13 of the Saco River after receiving the 9-1-1 call around 1 p.m. the report said.

According to the statement, a Fryeburg police boat was on patrol and officers responded to the call within minutes. Fryeburg Rescue dispatched their rescue boat to the scene. Rescuers carried the injured man for about 150 yards before Fryeburg Rescue transported the patient to Bridgton Hospital for head and knee injuries. He was in stable condition Sunday night.

“The canoeist had his life jacket in the boat,” Potvin said in the statement.

Walker’s Rip is patrolled regularly by boat, and that section is known for its “rapids and capsizing inexperienced canoers. Overall, this was an excellent collaborative response by police and rescue personnel,” Potvin said.

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