On Aug. 21, the Sun Journal printed a story about NOAA, “Earth’s heat broke records in July,” in which it was claimed that the world has gotten hotter each and every year during the past century.

Perhaps it is the fault of every human on this planet who inhales oxygen and exhales the evil pollutant, carbon dioxide.

I took a deep sigh of relief and exhaled that condemned pollutant the following Monday upon reading, “Farmers’ Almanac forecasts another cold, nasty winter.”

How can two predictions be so far apart? Whom should we believe?

The tie-breaker might be the climate secret an ex-NOAA meteorologist and climatologist David Dilley discloses in his free, 49-minute YouTube video: “Is Climate Change Dangerous?”

He explains the scientific principles of how climate is governed by natural global cycles that have been documented in clockwork precision during the past half million years.

Cycles are predictable. Like the year 1800 in the past 230-year cycle, temperatures have recently stagnated for more than a decade. Volcanic eruptions by Iceland’s Bardarbunga (Aug. 16, 2014-Mar. 2, 2015) assure a continued cooling trend for the northern U.S., as suggested by Lewiston’s Farmer’s Almanac.

Rather than hold my breath and do nothing, I have rolled up my sleeves. Winter is coming. I will get an excellent return on my investment by winterizing my Maine home, no matter whose theory is ultimately proven true.

Michael Brakey, New Gloucester