It saddened me to read Larry Gilbert Sr.’s letter (Aug. 18) in which he wrote about how Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald “demonized” the Maine People’s Alliance and, in doing so, all he did was demonize Macdonald.

It also leads me to question if Gilbert really understands what he claimed.

Gilbert claimed that the MPA is a supporter of small business and they do have the support of the Maine Small Business Coalition. But a look behind the scenes will find MSBC is nothing but a front (in their words, “partner”) for the MPA and many of the small businesses represented are simply individuals who agree with the MPA and are the sole employee of their business. How many actual employees besides themselves and family do those businesses employ?

Equally important is to look at the other claims made by Gilbert and how they relate.

He states MPA advocates for enhanced Social Security benefits, paid family medical and sick leave and increasing the minimum wage — all of which would have a devastating effect on the real small businesses that are the backbone of Maine’s economy. This is while they themselves pay some employees less than the “living wage” they advocate as being so needed.

Have they provided enhanced sick time? Paid family time? Enhanced retirement contributions to offset not having better Social Security benefits?

It is easy to sit back and pompously decide how others should live but much harder to actually practice what you preach.

Robert Reed, Lewiston