This in response to Ellen Field (Aug. 19). The Democratic Party, to which I belonged for more than 50 years, became the party of Barack Obama, with his secretive background and citizenship. He associated with people who hated America (the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers).

Democrats concocted Obamacare behind closed doors, then insisted the bill be passed without being read. Millions of people lost their existing insurance coverage. Because of Obamacare, the president was dubbed liar of the year by the Washington Post. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi helped him by distorting the truth and the facts.

The transformation Obama intended for this nation was far from forthright. In his narcissistic, ideological ways he has refused to uphold the laws (such as immigration laws, probably hoping to gain future votes). Then, he makes up his own laws using executive orders.

He corruptly stonewalled investigations concerning his administration, especially Benghazi, and made a one-sided deal with Iran.

Liberals openly support and help fund Planned Parenthood, which operates under the guise of women’s health while promoting abortions and the selling of babies’ organs. The liberals just look the other way, finding everything acceptable. How sinister. Christians believe in God’s word: “Thou shalt not kill.”

Imagine, someone needs a kidney transplant and then kills someone hoping that person’s kidney is a match. Is that the future of liberal thinking?

Conservative parents raise children with strong moral character and virtuous purposes. The parents rule. In a liberal environment, the children rule, which results in chaos.

Neil Bourgoin, Jay