For too long, Lewiston voters have elected individuals to be their spokespeople who put Lewiston down or, worse, vote the city backward. Lewiston needs Kristine Kittridge on the City Council. Ward 7 deserves faithful leadership and a fresh perspective.

Every day she builds Lewiston up, endorsing the city as a great community and a splendid place to raise a family.

It takes a leader to bolster those truths against the abundant, negative drone of the naysayers in the community. Lewiston needs people such as Kittridge here, and especially in City Council chambers, not only because she is a young, educated and composed leader, but as a representative of the Lewiston renaissance.

Lewiston will rise only when city officials can demonstrate the truth to everyone and when the Council knows how to move the city forward.

To do that, Lewiston needs to elect Kristine Kittridge and other like-minded leaders in November.

Noel Madore, Lewiston