Pinehurst Championship
Men’s Division
1 net: 53 Bob Kent, Matt Beckim; 2 net: 54 Scott Bubier, Mark Susi; 3 net: 56 Brian Henderson, Ken Carver; 1 gross: 70 Ray Convery, Jeff Kent; 2 gross: 71 Brad Pattershall, Trent Murphy; 3 gross: 72 Brandon Marcotte, Ray Roy; Tie: 72 Mike Burian, Tyler Tyburski; Pins: #2 Brian Henderson 11’9″; #8 Pete Provencher 7’2″; #13 Ray Provencher 5’4″; #15 Rick Carleton 33’6″; Skins, gross: #5 Burian/Tyburski, #14 Morin/Kent; #16 Leeman/Crane; Net: #2 Kus/Cochran; #5 Burian/Tyburski; #8 Bubier/Susi; #10 M. Hopkins/G. Hopkins; #13 Maurice/Provencher; #14 Morin/Kent.
2015 President’s Cup
1. Tom Cocker, 2. Dale Williams, 3. Dan Parent, 4. Eric Median; ties: Steve Bodge, Kevin Bell, Scott Bubier, Jim Hodgkin
Senior President’s Cup
1. Rick Shea, 2. Jim Murphy, 3. Joe Pietroski, tie: Rich Howard; 5. Bill Craine, tie: Terry Brooks.
Women’s President’s Cup
1. Claire Morin, 2. Holly Cooper, 3. Jean Pratt; Tie: Ashley Golden, Debbie Murphy, Carmen Cohen.
Women’s Division
1 Net; 60 Carmen Coehen, Holly Cooper; Tie: 60 Ashley Golden, Jeannine Golden; 1 gross: 80 Claire Morin, Rachel Newman; Pins: Debbie Murphy 19’1″; #8 Debbie Murphy 23’10”; #13 Debbie Murphy 24’6″; #15 Linda Mynahan 22’11”; Skins: Gross: #2 A. Golden/J. Golden; #3 Newman/Morin; #8 Newman/Morin; #9 Murphy/Howard; #10 A. Golden/J. Golden; #16 Newman/Morin; #17 Newman/Morin; Net: #1 Ayotte/Pratt; #2 A. Golden/J. Golden; #3 R. Newman; #5 A. golden/J. Golden; #7 Cohen/Cooper; #8 Newman/Morin; #11 Cohen/Cooper; #16 Newman/Morin.
Blind Draw
1 net: 57 Rick Shea, Dave Morin Tie: 57 Dick Metivier, Matt Beckim; 1 Gross: 70 Ron Leeman, Rick St. Laurent; Skins: Gross: #2 Joe Mertzel, #4 Rick Shea, #5 Ron Leeman, #8 Dick Therrien, #16 Rick Shea, #17 Rick St. Laurent, #18 Bong Adil; Net: #4 Rick Shea, #6 Pat Murphy, #12 Rick St. Laurent, #16 Rick Shea, #17 Rick St. Laurent, #18 Bong Adil.
Ladies League
Scramble, Pins and Long Drives
Net: 1. 58.4 Rachel Newman, Rita Howard, Nancy Sage, Holly Cooper; Gross: 65 Claire Morin, Carmen Cohen, Judy Corkum, Linda Mynahan; Pins: #2 Laurie Gifford 14′; #8 Holly Cooper 14’10”; #13 Claire Morin 12’8″; #15 Barbara Pray 12’2″
The Meadows
Pins & Skins Game
Skins won (gross): Jeff Freeman Hole #10 & 14, Brian Callahan Hole #11; Lou Longtin Hole #13, Moe Vachon Hole #16; Skins won (net): Moe Vachon Hole #14, Joanne Landry Hole #17; Closest to the pin, hole #15: Gene Reny 8’ 6”, Dawn Gates 9’ 6”; Closest to the pin, hole #17: Paul Landry 5’ 9”, Brain Callahan 9’
Prospect Hill
Senior Golf
1st Place Teams – Ron Maheux, Ed Mushlit, George O’Connell, Mike Ryerson — 5;
2nd Place Teams – Chuck Drinkwater, Joe Rousseau, Roger Bergeron, Jack Ray — 5;
3rd Place Teams – Ron Bilodeau, Fern Cloutier, Wifred Chouinard, Roger Bertrand – 4 ; Closest to the pin # 15 – Roger Dupre 10’ 7” ; Gerry Picard 14’ 9”
Week 18 standings for Pedro O’Hara Golf League:
1 – Rosen/Annear – 150, 2 – Sherry/Dearborn – 145, 3 – Leeman/Malpass – 142.5, 4 – Haines/Charron – 140. 5 – Blanchette/Bergeron – 138, 6 – Pray/Feely – 136.5, 7 – Lowell/Jones – 136, 8 – Rousseau/Lajoie – 135.5, 8 – Pugh/Bjorke – 135.5, 10 – Lessard/Lessard – 134.5, 11 – Kennely/Crowell – 133.5, 11 – Thongsavanh/Melaragno – 133.5, 13 – Good/Miller – 132.5, 14 – Boulet/Maheux – 132, 14 – Morency/Warner – 132, 16 – Scott/Livernois – 131.5, 17 – Forgues/Vaughan – 131, 18 – Scott/Mathews – 128, 19 – Landry/Desbiens – 127.5, 19 – Theriault/Swett – 127.5, Closest to the pin on Hole 13 Ron Lessard Sr 7’6.5″ and on Hole 15 Todd Sherry 14’8″
WMSGA at Bath
GROSS: Flight 1 Darby Vigue 75, Jody Lyford 81. Flight 2 Marcia Blake 87, Karen Higgins 90, Lee Barth 90. Flight 3 Norma Michaud 99, Jacquie Drapeau 101, Pat Carr 101. NET: Flight 1 Traci Beier 64, Judy Plummer 68. Flight 2 Linda Pearse 67, Alison Watkins 68, Kathy Sproul 68. Flight 3 Ruth Briggs 65, Rebecca Laliberte 69. Pins: Hole 9 Darby Vigue. Hole 13 Jacquie Drapeau. Hole 16 Darby Vigue. Gross Skins: Hole 1 Ruth Appleyard 3, Hole 3 Kim Comstock 4, Hole 7 Jacquie Drapeau 3, Hole 10 Kim Comstock 3, Hole 11 Linda MacNeil 2, Hole 13 Jacquie Drapeau 2. Net Skins: Hole 5 Jean Pratt 2, Hole 6 Rebecca Laliberte 1, Hole 9 Rachel Newman 1, Hole 10 Karen Dunbar 2, Hole 12 Traci Beier 2, Hole 15 Carmen Cohen 2, Hole 16 Lee Barth 1.
Spring Meadows
John Cureton, a member of the Area Golf Travel League, got his first hole-in-one on hole on the sixth hole. The shot was witnessed by Tony Ramos, Larry Bilodeau and Cecil Leavitt.
Men’s Individual
Gross: 1) Peter Ashton 73, 2) Neil Mayo 77, 3) Scott Lever 78; Net: 1) Brian Gallagher 74-67, 2) Mark Rock 81-68, 3) John Emerson 82-69, Four-Ball Points, 1) Peter Ashton +10 Cliff Biardi David Collins Ken Gibbs 2) Mitch Dublois +7 Brian Gallagher Greg Stone Jim Helmkamp, 3) Jerry Haynes +6 John Haynes Jerry Haynes Dan St.Pierre; Skins Game, Gross: Brian Gallagher #2, Eric Fillion #10 & #17, Matt Simard #12 & #18; Net: Gary Goldberg #6, John Wallingford #7, Terri LeClair #14 & #16
MSGA at Norway
INDIVIDUAL GROSS – INDIVIDUAL: Joe Baker 66/66, Mike Brennan 66/61, Craig Chapman 67/66, Dave Whitman 69/65, Ricky Jones 69/69, INDIVIDUAL NET – INDIVIDUAL: Bruce Pelletier 84/60, Jim Wight Jr 75/60, George Townsend 70/62, Rick Dyer 75/62, Michael Harnden 82/63, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – SENIOR 1: Ron Brown 72/67, John Allen 73/67, Mark Jordan 74/67, Norm Russell 74/67, INDIVIDUAL NET – SENIOR 1: Dick Raymond 75/65, Mark Cuneo 73/65, Jocko Emerson 78/66, Mike Napolitano Sr 80/66, Steve Brunette 76/66, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – SENIOR 2: Cy Thompson 76/61, Mark Fillmore 79/64, Dan Dalfonso 81/66, INDIVIDUAL NET – SENIOR 2: Cliff Bradbury 80/63, Edward Schencks Jr 80/63, Tom Blake 81/63,
TEAM GROSS: Mike Brennan, 58 / 53; George Townsend, 58 / 53; Joe Baker, 58 / 53; Dave Whitman, 58 / 53; Jeff Leonardo, 60 / 57; Don Flanagan, 60 / 57; Craig Chapman, 60 / 57; Andrew Slattery, 60 / 57; TEAM NET: Dan Boland, 65 / 53; Robert Naples Libby, 65 / 53; Willie Elliott, 65 / 53; Christo Stratos, 65 / 53; Bruce Pelletier, 68 / 53; Jim Wight Jr, 68 / 53; Tom Cyr, 68 / 53; Michael Harnden, 68 / 53; Mark Jordan, 65 / 53; Stephen Dixon, 65 / 53; Jim Weaver, 65 / 53; Harry Hall, 65 / 53;
FRIDAY SKINS: Gross # 1 – Ryan Laverdiere 3, Net # 2 – Cliff Bradbury 1, Gross # 4 – Mike Dubois 2, Gross # 6 – Cliff Bradbury 2, Gross # 8 – Craig Chapman 3, Gross # 13 – John Allen 2, Gross # 17 – Scott Parady 3, SATURDAY SKINS: Net # 1 – Mark Fillmore 2, Gross # 3 – Jim Wight Jr 3, Gross # 7 – Joe Baker 3, Gross # 11 – Mark Jordan 2, Gross # 12 – Harry Hall 2, Net # 14 – Dana Costigan 2, Gross # 15 – Brian Chamberlain 2, CLOSEST TO THE PIN: # 2 – Don Flanagan 2-1, # 6 – Cliff Bradbury 2-2, # 11 – Matt Peck 13-10, # 15 – John Driscoll 6-9, CLOSEST TO THE PIN: # 2 – Darren Jensen 13-8, # 6 – Barry Bernard 25-0, # 11 – Steve Simonds 6-11, # 15 – Tony Criscitelli 17-0,
Apple Valley
Ladies Golf League
Game of the Day: N.O.S.E. (1,6,7,8,9)
A: Linda Kelly (24), B: Anne Legendre (30), A Net: Jan Davis (24), B Gross: Anne Legendre (51), B Net: Laurette Fortin (29), Fewest Putts: Cindy Halliday (13); Winner: 50/50: Laurette Fortin.
Sparetime Rec
Scratch Series 653 Shawn Langlois 612 Mike Peaco 610 Justin Brawn 609 Jimmy Lyons 602 Jim Morin 599 Eric Roy; Scratch Game 245 Mike Peaco 242 Shawn Langlois 225 Jimmy Lyons 223 Ken Wyman 222 Justin Brawn 220 Kennny Moore
Sparetime Ladies
Scratch Game 211 Pauline Bosse 205 Cheryl Hebert 201 Ali Breault 194 Michelle Gardner 193 Joan Goulding 191 Chris Gray 183 Brenda Burgess 182 Anita Morin 182 Deb Lane Scratch Series 574 Ali Breault 561 Cheryl Hebert 517 Michelle Gardner 503 Anita Morin 499 Pauline Bosse 492 Joan Goulding 481 Denise Wallingford 476 Diane Desjardins Handicap Game 246 Joan Goulding 240 Cheryl Hebert 238 Denise Wallingford 238 Brenda Burgess 232 Karen Giguere 228 Diane Desjardins 224 Janessa Sinclair 223 Pauline Bosse Handicap Series 682 Denise Wallingford 666 Cheryl Hebert 651 Joan Goulding 626 Janessa Sinclair 623 Diane Desjardins 614 Brenda Burgess 611 Karla Levesque 611 Anita Morin
Industrial Park
Men Scratch Game 268 Dan Carrier 265 Cory Lagner 248 Michael Thibault; 245 Thomas Giberti Jr. 236 Nelson Beaudoin 236 Skip Sabourin; Scratch Series 664 Scott Moore 659 Cory Lagner 643 Michael Thibault 642 Tommy Young 640 James Goulding III 631 Thomas Giberti Jr.; Women Scratch Game 224 Sarah Pelletier 222 Michelle Gardner 218 Audra Mercier 198 Pauline Bosse 191 Anita Morin 189 Angeliec Goulding; Scratch Series 570 Sarah Pelletier 568 Michelle Gardner 561 Audra Mercier 542 Anita Morin 534 Angeliec Goulding 511 Pauline Bosse
Golf Tournament to Benefit Library
Registration is now open for Harrison Village Library’s Sixth Annual Golf Tournament, which will be held at Lake Kezar Country Club on Sunday, Sept. 20.
Players of all abilities are welcome to play in the scramble-style tournament, which begins at 9 a.m., with a shotgun start. Contests, challenges and mulligans will be available. The cost per player is $75 ($300 a team) and includes golf, cart, and a meal.
Registration forms are available at the library and will also be accepted on the day of the tournament.
For more information, please contact the library at 583-2970.
Send questions/comments to the editors.