DIXFIELD — Repair of the leaky Mountain Valley High School roof is progressing, buildings and grounds director Kenny Robbins told the Regional School Unit 10 board Monday night.

Last year, significant leaks developed in the roof over the ramp area and classrooms, the gym and the auditorium, prompting relocation of several classrooms for several weeks.

Robbins said the district is budgeting about $100,000 a year for roof repairs and will request money for the gym roof in the 2016-17 budget.

The auditorium roof, two sections in the ramp area and adjacent instructional space were completed last year. Robbins said a couple of minor leaks developed over the ramp area recently. “The roof needs structural upgrades to meet current snow loads,” he said.

In other matters, the board recently ratified contracts for educational technicians and secretaries. Bus driver/custodian contracts are upcoming, Superintendent Craig King said.

Also on Monday, the resignation of Buckfield Junior-Senior High School special education teacher Doug Rines was accepted. Amanda Putnam was hired as the school nutrition program clerical support person.

The board set the date for the annual joint meeting with the SAD 17 and Vocational Region 11 boards for Oct. 8 at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in Paris.

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