NEWRY — The Sunday River Ski Resort announced Wednesday that it would attempt to take advantage of an expected cold snap and intends to open for the season at 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 19.

The resort expects to open the upper T2 trail, accessible via the Locke Mountain Triple lift in the Barker Basin area, according to a news release issued by the resort.

Officials added one caveat: “All plans depend on weather and snow conditions; keep an eye on and check the resort’s social media channels for the most up-to-date information.”

The current forecast for Western Maine shows temperatures dipping into the 20s and even the teens this weekend. That may allow the resort time to make enough snow to get a trail or two covered for skiing and snowboard riding, officials said.

“We can’t make any promises, but this forecast looks very favorable,” Dana Bullen, president and general manager of  the resort, said. “Our snow-makers are dedicated to opening as early as possible and this year is no different. But, we wanted to let our pass holders and guests know so they can make their plans.”

If the resort opens Monday it will be the earliest opening day in 19 years, according to resort officials.

In recent years, Sunday River has become known in New England and across the U.S. for being open for Halloween. The resort is usually open on weekends from then until mid-November when its full-time schedule kicks in.