“Sanctuary cities protect dangerous illegal alien criminals” was the title of an article in the September 2015 Judicial Watch “Verdict.”

The nonprofit, non-partisan Judicial Watch, through a series of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, obtained the following statistics from the Obama Administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office:

During 2013, the Obama Immigration and Customs and Enforcement Office outright released 36,007 criminal aliens who had been convicted of the following crimes: 193 homicide convictions; 426 sexual assault convictions; 303 kidnapping convictions; 1,075 aggravated assault convictions; and 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions, as well as numerous other felonies.

Many of these felons seek asylum in any of a number of “sanctuary cities” in the U.S., where they are immune from prosecution by federal or state authorities.

It seems that the Obama Administration and many Democrats are more interested in coddling prospective Democrat voters than they are about the safety of American citizens from criminals.

Richard Grover, Mason Township