I have known Steve Morgan for numerous years and interacted with him on the Lewiston Planning Board and City Council when he was president. He is easy to talk to and he listens.

Lewiston hasn’t been a business-friendly city and I think Morgan can help change that. He also will battle the never-ending welfare problem that has made this city famous everywhere.

Lewiston has been very generous in helping unfortunate refugees but there comes a time when city officials must consider the elderly and impoverished citizens. So, unfortunately, the help spigot has to be slowed down. At this point in time, Lewiston doesn’t need another Larry Gilbert Sr. giving away taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars.

Morgan has run a very successful real estate business and is respected in the community. He has the character and personality to lead Lewiston with diplomacy and tack and not embarrass residents.

Daniel Cote, Lewiston