100 years ago, 1915
In appreciation of the exhibition which Lewiston’s fire department gave at the Harvest Carnival, the committee in charge has voted to donate $60 to the Lewiston Firemen’s Relief Association fund. The sentiment expressed by all members present was that the firemen did much toward the carnival’s success and that such an appreciation was but proper. James Curran was authorized to purchase cigars to be sent the military companies which took part in the carnival, to show the committee’s appreciation.

50 years ago, 1965
Auburn police today were investigating a night-time safe cracking attempt at an Auburn electrical firm which proved fruitless for the intruders. According to Auburn police the thief or thieves apparently spent a lot of time at the AC Electric Company on Washington Street trying to open a large double-door safe in the firm’s office, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Investigating Officer Lt. Leslie Stewart reported that chisel, hammer, and a large crowbar were used in the attempt. After removing the hinges, breaking a door handle and damaging the dial, the intruders apparently gave up and settled for about $1.50 in change taken from a coffee-fund box on a nearby desk.

25 years ago, 1990
(Photo Caption ) Ray Geiger reads the inscription on his tombstone after it was unveiled at Mt. Hope Cemetery In Lewiston Wednesday. The 80-year-old head of Geiger Bros., publishers of the Farmers’ Almanac, said that he wanted to enjoy his tombstone while he is still living. Geiger invited guests to join him for refreshments at the cemetery after the brief ceremony. In his dissertation to the group, he said, “As a boy scout I was told to be prepared, and I have gone as far as I can go. I want to enjoy the beauty of this tombstone while I’m living, for there’s no enjoyment in a tombstone when you’re dead.”

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.