FARMINGTON — The town will observe World Pancreatic Cancer Day on Friday, Nov. 13, according to a resolution adopted recently by the Board of Selectmen.

Gov. Paul LePage has declared November as pancreatic cancer awareness month, John Long of Farmington said. After a friend was diagnosed with the disease, Long requested Farmington and Skowhegan hold an observance on Nov. 13.

“It is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States,” Long said. “It is estimated over 40,000 Americans will die of pancreatic cancer in 2015 with approximately 210 of them living in Maine.”

By 2020, pancreatic cancer is expected to move from fourth to the second cancer-caused death, he said.

The disease can be missed during a routine exam, so once discovered, it is often in a late stage, Long said. His friend was diagnosed nine months ago and given three months to live, but she is a fighter and still here, he told selectmen.

“We need your help to shine a spotlight on this disease and finally make progress in developing treatments and early detection tools,” Long wrote to the town. “By issuing a proclamation supporting the observance of Nov. 13 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Farmington, you can help us to raise awareness in our community.”

The board agreed.