LIVERMORE FALLS — Livermore Falls Town Manager Kristal Flagg said at Tuesday’s selectmen meeting that she recently received a draft of plans to construct a new fire station from Lincoln/Haney Engineering Associates of Brunswick.

“It did look like it was a very fair estimate,” Flagg said. “It was very complete.”

Although Flagg and the selectmen didn’t discuss specific details included in the plan, she did point out that it will fix code violations in the current building and identify the engineers that would have to work on different parts of the project. Construction, civil, electrical and geotechnical engineers are all needed, according to the plans presented by Lincoln/Haney.

“These engineering studies aren’t cheap,” Selectman James Collins observed.

Survey work for the project, the cost of advertising the bids and special inspections that might have to be performed were not included in the proposal.

“They had some great ideas,” Flagg said. “I thought they were great at trying to fix what’s there.”


She added that the town has to look at all of its options before deciding to spend money on a new fire station. The current building has been closed since October of this year because of structural problems.

On Monday, the Jay, Wilton, Farmington and Livermore Falls town managers and two members of each town’s board of selectmen met to discuss economic development.

The Buxton Co., which analyzes businesses, found that the four towns “all have the same type of needs,” board Chairman Louise Chabot said.

“What they suggested is we work as a group,” she said. “I found them very informative.”

Flagg said that Livermore Falls could use money from its Tax Increment Financing Program to help pay for the cost of participating in Buxton’s three-year program to help attract businesses. The four towns could share the $50,000 fee, she said.