LIVERMORE — The Board of Selectpersons voted unanimously at its meeting Monday night to approve the hiring of Gerald Whitney of Wilton as road foreman and Benjamin Campbell as a highway worker for the town.

The positions became vacant after Roger Ferland and Randy Tirrell resigned to accept positions elsewhere. 

In the initial search to replace Ferland, Robert Bradley Jr. interviewed for the position but declined for financial reasons. A second search was implemented and five applications were received. 

Following interviews, the board selected Whitney to fill the road foreman position. His first day was Monday.

“He has more than 30 years of experience in Public Works,” Chairman Peter Castonguay said of Whitney.

Campbell, a resident of Livermore, will begin on Nov. 30.


“He has four years experience with the Maine Department of Transportation,” board member Tim Kachnovich said of Campbell.

In related business, the board voted to continue for another week an increased rate of pay for highway worker Ron Greenwood. The increase was given during the Highway Department’s period of transition using money saved because of the vacancies.

“It was important to keep the one guy that knew what’s going on down there,” Kachnovich said.

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