In America, the battle of right versus wrong threatens to resolve itself into a battle between races. I believe I understand the process by which the complexities of the basic contest have resolved themselves into a simplistic struggle between races or cultures.

That divisive process has been promoted and supported in the highest levels of the Obama administration, which fosters crisis as a tool to transform America. The crisis succeeds because the simplicity of the resulting racial alignment is attractive to some emotionally exhausted citizens.

For racists, there is no longer any need to weigh out the rightness of their cause. Racists need not monitor their own behaviors to see that those behaviors measure up to the highest standards of biblical, Judeo-Christian ethics.

What’s at stake is mere skin color. A complex battle between good and evil resolves itself into a mindless exercise in social Darwinism.

Over time, America has embraced amoral, liberal secular humanism at the expense of its Judeo-Christian heritage. Under assault from within and without, some of America’s exhausted and frightened citizens, both black and white, find needed clarity and focus by understanding their problems in simple, racist terms.

Groups of Americans, black and white, will now embrace a violent, amoral ruthlessness in their own defense and give no thought to right and wrong, good and evil. Short-term expediency will displace the right.

Even if these angry people win, they lose, becoming spiritually dead minions of the evil they once sought to resist.

Leonard Hoy, Greenwood

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