
Patricia and Andre


AUBURN — A small gathering of family and friends celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of Andre and Patricia Deshaies on Friday, Aug. 14. The outdoor surprise party was held on a warm summer evening at the home of their oldest daughter and her husband, Jane and Emile Clavet, and was also hosted by their middle daughter and her husband, Susan and Tony Arsenault, and youngest daughter, Andrea Deshaies.

Grandchildren in attendance were Loren and Mitchell Lachapelle, Lexis Clavet, Matthew Rancourt and Brendan, Lyndsey and Cameron Arsenault. Special guests were Georgette Clavet and Ruth Briggs. Not able to attend but there in thought were Gage Clavet and Jim Dowd.

The attendees enjoyed a candlelit dinner together while reminiscing about the funny, caring, sometimes difficult times spent together as a growing family through the past 50 years — starting with the couple’s union which evolved into an amazing family, extended family and many social connections. The celebration included heartfelt toasts given by children and grandchildren of the golden couple. The cake that was enjoyed at the end of the celebration was a hit, especially with Mr. Deshaies.

The couple also enjoyed a short get-away to Florida with their daughters and their husbands later in September to cap off an extraordinary celebration of 50 years together as husband and wife.

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