WILTON — An E.L. Vining and Son Inc. employee was injured Tuesday afternoon when a boulder rolled into an excavated hole and onto the man’s lower extremities.

Employees of the Farmington company were preparing the site for clarifiers for the more than $3 million upgrade of the Wilton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Davis Court.

The boulder, which fire Deputy Chief Tom Doak estimated weighed several hundred pounds, appeared to come out of the banking and rolled down onto the worker, Doak said.

“We were told he was pinned, but when we got there he was not pinned,” he said.

The man was conscious and alert, he said.

A NorthStar Emergency Medical Services crew went into the hole to treat the man and give him pain medicine, Doak said. The accident occurred about 1 p.m.


Wilton Police Chief Heidi Wilcox, firefighters and workers assisted.

An excavator operator had smoothed out an area of a dirt bank on the opposite side of the hole to create a makeshift ramp so the six or eight people that carried the man in the litter could get out of the ditch easier.

Firefighters had put up a rope rigging in case it was needed, but it was not, Doak said.

The man’s injuries are suspected to be serious but not life-threatening, Doak said.

The man was taken by ambulance to Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington.
