A business has a right to cease operations because it is not profitable. Clearly, Dunkin’ Donuts and others have clocked Tim Horton’s in the U.S. and for very good reasons.

I have to wonder how high up the corporate food chain do you go to find the individual who makes the decision to stop everything in the middle of the day without regard for those who are employed or customers who have been loyal. Clearly, it says something about the organization — Tim Horton’s.

It is a sad commentary on a Canadian-based firm about its ethics and lack of morals. This is not a corporate life and death, but a callous disregard for doing what is proper because that is what a good corporate citizen does, regardless of its size or its location.

I will personally miss the local Tim Horton’s locations, and my heart goes out to those who worked at the many impacted stores because they don’t deserve that type of treatment.

There are better ways to handle closings.

Peter Geiger, Lewiston

Executive Vice President, Geiger