ROXBURY — Treasurer Renee Hodsdon told the Board of Selectmen Tuesday evening that the town website is close to being complete.

Residents voted in March to raise and appropriate $2,500 to create a town website. Currently, the town uses a Facebook page to inform residents of town business.

During a meeting in August, selectmen voted to accept a bid from Revize Software Systems to create and manage the website.

Hodsdon said that she has been looking at the work that Revize has been doing, and that the “website really seems to be coming along.”

“It’s not quite ready, but we’re getting close to the point where I’ll request a ‘live-by’ date,” Hodsdon told the board.

Selectman Tim DeRouche asked Hodsdon whether any part of the website was accessible yet.

“No, not yet, but I was told that once we go live with the website, it may not be 100 percent complete,” Hodsdon replied. “However, we could still use the website, even if it’s not complete. They’re able to make updates to the website while it’s being used.”

Hodsdon said that the website does not currently have a domain name.