FARMINGTON — Mt. Blue Campus teachers have brought in thousands of dollars in grants recently to buy supplies and materials.

Seven Mt. Blue High School teachers have brought in Oak Grove School Foundation educational mini-grants in South China that range from $780 to $1,000, Principal Bruce Mochamer said. He told the Regional School Unit 9 board of the grants last week.

Teachers wrote about a project they would like to do with their students and submitted it to the foundation, Mochamer said Friday. The grants range from kits to use in class to materials for projects.

Teachers receiving grants are Gail Carlson, MAD Experience; Deb Muise, Play Production Stage Craft Tools; Karen Beacham, Mt. Blue Tuba; Travis Tierney, Arc Kit I Classroom Setting; Dan Ryder, Little Bits of Humanities; Jake Bogar, Sandbox; and Chris Davis, Digital Media Sphere Ball Art, Mochamer said.

Superintendent Tom Ward also informed the board last week that computer technology teacher Richard Wilde received a $6,000 grant from NASA pertaining to robotics. Wilde, who teaches at the Foster Career and Technical Educational Center, will come to the school board to discuss the grant.

The Foster center and the high school are both at Mt. Blue Campus.