LEWISTON — Most of the city’s candidates for local office in November’s election closed the books on their campaigns this week, filing their final campaign finance reports.

All candidates for City Council, School Committee and the losing candidates in the mayor’s race needed to account for any spending and donations between Oct. 21 and Dec.8, City Clerk Kathy Montejo said.

Mayoral candidates Robert Macdonald and Ben Chin filed truncated reports this week, covering the period leading up to the Nov. 3 election because of the Dec. 8 runoff election.

The reports were due Tuesday and only mayoral candidate Steve Morgan and two School Committee candidates have not filed their reports. Montejo said Morgan contacted her office Friday and plans to file it Monday.

Most of the candidates ended up closing their accounts with less than $50 outstanding.

Ward 7 Councilor Mike Lachance spent $365.22 on his successful election, and ended his campaign with $1.75 left. Ward 2 Councilor-elect Tim Lajoie ended up spending $360 for advertisements and campaign materials, ending with a $38 balance.


Ward 1 Councilor Leslie Dubois, who lost her re-election bid, wound up spending $675 of her own money.

Her Ward 1 opponent, Councilor-elect Jim Lysen, spent another $392 on his campaign and added another $50 to the $1,141 balance he had on Oct. 21. Lysen ended the campaign with $833 left. He can use that money in 2017 if he runs for re-election, Montejo said.

Ward 3 Councilor-elect Isobel Golden ended her campaign with a $317 balance and Ward 6 losing candidate Kristen Kittredge ended with a $486 balance.

Macdonald and Chin filed reports this week covering their spending and donations between Oct. 21 and Nov. 3.

Chin took in another $6,767 in donations in that period while Macdonald brought in another $2,850. Chin spent $15,000 and Macdonald another $1,913.

Chin and Macdonald cannot close the books yet, Montejo said. Both candidates need to file reports covering their donations and spending leading up to the Dec. 8 runoff vote.


“It can get kind of confusing because their campaign treasurers need to keep two sets of books,” Montejo said. “Say they run a newspaper advertisement the day before the race, but they don’t get billed until a few days after. That needs to be included in this report because that’s when they actually spent it.”

Their first runoff election reports, covering Nov. 4 through 24, were due Nov. 27.

Their final reports, covering Nov. 25 through January, are due Jan. 19.

According to state laws, candidates with less than $100 can simply close their accounts. Candidates that end their campaign with balances of $100 or more will need to file semiannual reports unless they dispose of the money in one of several ways. They can donate the money to another candidate, political group, party, to a registered nonprofit or to the state, save it for future campaigns or return the money to campaign donors.


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