JAY — Volunteers on the AMVETS Special Olympics Committee arrived early Friday morning to set up for a dance for Special Olympians.

Barbara Cook of Jay had filled 120 bags of candy and Kent Mitchell and Dan Mancine were in charge of making punch. Gary Desjardins, Bob Shink and Kenney Smith filled bags with popcorn.

Others helping with tasks included Jim Holt, Nancy Donnell, Darryl and Lynn Dunton, Cook, Richard Therrien, Gerry Toothaker. Ellie Hopkins stopped in to check on the preparations.

It was expected that 32 pizzas, maybe more, would be needed to feed about 150 people.

As the time neared 10, Special Olympians started arriving. School buses from Maine School Administrative District 58 in the Kingfield area, Regional School Unit 9 in the Farmington area, RSU 73 in the Jay area and RSU 74 in the North Anson area rolled into the parking lot.

Vans carrying older participants from centers and businesses such as Work First, Maine Growth, Family Matters, Team Opportunities and Harris Home arrived.


The noise ratcheted up as the Olympians took their seats in the hall or talked with friends and volunteers.

Committee member Denise Rodzen she set up her DJ equipment and it wasn’t long before the music started playing and the dancers started moving.

The committee puts on a number of dances each year as well as other events to benefit Special Olympics and Olympians.

“The kids love it,” Smith said.

Santa Claus was scheduled to come later in the morning.

Cook said she loves seeing the joy on the faces of the children and adults as they dance and socialize.


“They love to dance and they love getting together with all the people and other groups,” Toothaker said.

The committee started putting on the dances about 15 years ago, Holt said.

“You have never had an honest hug until you have had one from a Special Olympian,” he said.

Brian, a participant from Madison, said he was enjoying the music.
“I am also enjoying the popcorn, and I am also enjoying talking to people. I enjoy everything,” he said projecting his voice above the noise of the crowd.
