JAY — The town will stop accepting trash from Fayette and Carthage at the Transfer Station on July 1, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said Tuesday.

Jay will also no longer accept recyclables from Fayette after July 1.

Officials in those towns are looking at their options for services.

Jay selectpersons made the decision Dec. 28 after a cost analysis was done, LaFreniere said. The cost-benefit analysis wasn’t enough to persuade the board to keep providing the service, she said. Selectpersons want to focus on their town.

Public Works Department foreman John Johnson, who also supervises the Transfer Station, estimated a net profit of $2,690 for handling the municipal solid waste for both towns in his analysis.

He also estimated a net loss of $4,335 to handle single-sort recyclables.


It would be an expense to the town if equipment needed to be repaired, LaFreniere said.

The town has been looking at ways to reduce the municipal budget for 2016-17.

The town entered into a three-year contract beginning Dec. 1 with Archie’s Inc. of Mexico to collect trash and recyclables curbside in Jay. Previously, the town provided the services.

The cost is $120,000 for the first year of privatization, a savings of $130,000.

The first year’s payment will be offset by the sale of Jay’s two trash trucks to Archie’s for $105,000.
