LEWISTON — Lewiston School Department staff and parents agreed Monday night that improvements are needed to assure that all students succeed.

The group of about 100 people enjoyed a spaghetti supper at The Green Ladle culinary center at Lewiston Regional Technical Center before discussing goals and actions to enhance education and succeed after high school. 

Superintendent Bill Webster said, “This is perhaps the largest gathering of community members in one place since I’ve been here, which is 2011.” 

An estimated 80 non-staff members attended, despite the snowstorm. Members of the Lewiston School Committee were also in attendance.

Topics covered ranged from science, technology, engineering and math programs to summer programming to graduation rates. Other areas mentioned included hiring staff and substitute teachers, professional development, special education and class-size reduction in all grades.

People could tack color-coded sticky notes on each goal sheet. One note on professional development read, “Too much instruction time is already lost with standardized testing. Can we come up with more creative options for (professional development) that benefits teachers and students?”


“Class size is critical,” another said. “More time spent on each child is a must.”

Everyone was encouraged to ask questions and make comments.

The overall goal is the improve the quality and consistency of education in Lewiston public schools. 

“All this input will go to the school board, who will vote in March, which will eventually lead to a vote on the budget in regards to the proposed changes,” Webster said.