NORWAY — The Oxford Hills SCORE chapter and the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a hands-on eight-part marketing series titled Who Doesn’t Need Marketing?

Sessions will be held from 8 to 9 a.m. on the last Thursday of the next eight months, beginning Feb. 25, at the Norway Town Office, 19 Danforth St. There is no cost to attend.

This Marketing Roundtable Series will touch on aspects of marketing and provide ample opportunity to learn from small business peers through group discussion and hands-on activities. Participants may attend all the sessions or just the ones they want to know more about.

Topics will include:

• What is a marketing strategy? An overview (February);

• Product descriptions that sell (March);


• Who is your ideal customer? (April);

• Competitive analysis and strategy;

• Advertising and promotion: Integrated marketing communications;

• Social media: What is its role in marketing?;

• Setting competitive and profitable prices;

• Service business marketing;


• Other marketing topics.

Each participant will receive a binder containing all slides and reference materials to use as a guide for their individual marketing plan.

Presenters Steve Veazey and Charlie Peabody are members of Oxford Hills SCORE. Veazey is one of the SCORE presenters for local marketing workshops and has been a facilitator of Business Roundtable events. While working full time in a professional services business for 20 years, he was responsible for finance and operations, including marketing.

Peabody spent his entire career in sales and marketing for medium to large businesses, but the elements of successful marketing apply equally to smaller businesses.

Register to hold a seat at:, or by calling SCORE at 743-0499 or the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce at 743-2281.