RUMFORD — The Board of Selectmen on Thursday held the first of two sessions on requests for new ordinances and charter amendments.

Police Chief Stacy Carter said that while the sex offender ordinance indicates that an offender cannot reside within 750 linear feet of a school, he would like to see it include the Greater Rumford Community Center on Congress Street — numerous children go there — and all licensed day care facilities.

On an ordinance involving the seizure of animals, Carter said it was not consistent with state statute. The local ordinance gives an animal control officer the authority to take immediate possession of a pet, while the state ordinance says an animal cannot be seized without a court order, and not until notice has been given to the owner.

Selectman Frank DiConzo requested a charter change regarding a town meeting moderator. He asked that a moderator not have to live in Rumford, but reside within 20 miles of town. He cited that for years, the town has had only two  moderators.

Town Manager John Madigan said there are times when having someone as moderator from outside of town can be very beneficial when there is a controversial issue. For example, he served as moderator for Roxbury during a town meeting on a vote about wind power.

Town Attorney Jen Kreckel has been asked to develop a new ordinance to make sure buildings are in compliance with a directive from the Department of Environmental Protection that water from roof drains and gutters go into a storm drain system and not into the sewer system. She said this would not only be for buildings in the downtown, but for all areas of town. If passed, it would be effective immediately.


DiConzo requested that the town’s wind energy ordinance be changed to comply to state levels. In this way, when the state standards change, the town can change with them. He said it might make Rumford more appealing to a prospective wind power company.

The second session on requests for new ordinances and charter amendments will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, at the Rumford Falls Auditorium.

Selectmen will also decide which of the initiatives will be carried over for a secret ballot vote at the annual town meeting on June 14.