As a recovering ex-Democrat for the past 14 years, I find it incredibly sad to see what depths that once great party has devolved to.

The party I knew used to represent and speak to and for the hard-working common people. Now it seems to speak to and for those who refuse to work and hate this country.

I am sure my dear departed father, who was a Korean War veteran, three-term Connecticut state senator, Constitution-loving attorney and life-long loyal Democrat, is spinning in his grave when he looks down and sees that his beloved party has sunk so low that the best it can offer for presidential candidates this cycle are an as yet unindicted, treacherous matriarch and a totally unaccomplished, crabby, 74-year-old Marxist-communist-socialist stuck in the 1960s who thinks all of America’s problems can be solved by heaping an additional $20 trillion debt upon its people.

I pray this country will come to its senses and elect anyone but those two.

William Sullivan, Buckfield