TURNER — The Turner Museum and Historical Association will present author Frank Connors, who will lecture and tell stories from his book “Speaking Frankly” at 1 p.m., Sunday, March 6, at the Community Room of the Leavitt Institute Building, 98 Matthews Way.

A Maine native and a life-long resident of the Bowdoinham-Brunswick area, Connors likes to describe himself as a “point man” for the baby-boomer generation.

A former newspaper reporter/photographer, town manager, home designer and truck driver, Connors still busies himself as a cemetery sexton, local historian, gardener and canoe paddler — when he is not hanging out at People Plus. He loves to talk and tell stories and continues to work on his listening skills.

He will have copies of “Speaking Frankly” for sale, which he is happy to sign. All the proceeds from sales of the book go to the People Plus of Brunswick.