Gotta joke for you: President Donald Trump. That’s it. That’s the punch line.

Blame it on our celebrity- and reality show-obsessed culture. (I’ve got news for folks who think those shows are “real.” They’re enhanced, scripted, OK? Nothing can be real if a camera is capturing your every move.)

Now Maine’s “tell it like it is” governor claims he was Trump before Trump bullied his way onto the campaign stage. Then why didn’t LePage back that clown last year when he announced? Endorsing him now, when he’s the likely nominee, isn’t exactly a profile in courage, is it?

Once again, the state’s image suffers a body blow. Three more years.

And William Sullivan promises in a letter to the editor (Feb. 27) that he would vote for anyone other than Clinton or Sanders. Does that mean that, like the governor, he wants to see a serial liar, whose very existence baffles our allies, in the White House Situation Room during a crisis? Or bloviating mindlessly at the podium of the United Nations General Assembly?

Finally, in a letter Jan. 17, Ben Skibitsky cites the “radical Muslim religion,” as if all Muslims are radical.

Wrong. A tiny minority of that ancient religion are radicals, just like a tiny minority of Christians are radical — the KKK, for instance, or the far-right preachers who rant that homosexuality is a mortal sin.

It’s easy to fall back on bitter hatred when you don’t have to deal with facts. So easy, and so radically un-Christian.

Dave Griffiths, Mechanic Falls