FARMINGTON — Voters at Monday night’s annual town meeting approved money to hire four full-time firefighters for the rest of the calendar year.

The amount of $434,492 for Farmington Fire and Rescue includes funding the four positions.

With few questioning the cost now and in the future, most voiced support for the work of the department.

The Board of Selectmen recommended the amount of last year’s budget, $401,513,  while the Budget Committee recommended the $434,492.

Moderator Paul Mills turned the position over to deputy moderator Thomas Saviello so he could speak on the article.

Mills mentioned five communities in Maine with smaller populations than Farmington that have at least four paid firefighters. Although allowed, there is no place in the state where regionalization has developed, he said.


The request is “very reasonable,” Fred O. Smith, said.

Asked about the costs next year for the full-time firefighters, Fire Chief Terry Bell estimated it would be about $52,000. The department will have a better idea once the firefighters are hired, he said.

Although one voter moved to wait a year to see if regionalization develops and is more cost effective, the motion was withdrawn after listening to Mills. Elaine Graham seconded the motion and refused to withdraw it, but the voters turned down the motion to amend the article. 

Regionalization would take time to develop and other small towns would have to be on board, one resident said. Fire departments are in crisis. No one is chomping at the bit to join, the resident added. 

With a show of hands, about 100 voters agreed with the request and approved the amount after about a half-hour of discussion.

A total of 110 voters went to the polls Monday to elect the following officers: Selectmen Joshua Bell, 91 votes, and Michael Fogg, 74 votes; Regional School Unit 9 directors Scott Erb, 71 votes, Douglas Dunlap, 1o2 votes, and Ryan Morgan, 92 votes.