FARMINGTON — Town crews cleared and secured the property of Joel (Batzell) Bridges on Thursday to ensure public safety.

After the work started, police removed an unidentified woman who was living in the structure without water, sewer or heat, Police Chief Jack Peck said at the scene. The woman had a small heater and a hot plate.

She was taken to Franklin Memorial Hospital for an evaluation, he said. No charges will be brought against her.

Police confirmed the woman was actually staying in the building on Wednesday, he said.

Town officials met Tuesday to plan to secure the building, Town Manager Richard Davis said. The town has been in touch with Bridges’ sister, consulted the town attorney and found the town’s right of way goes almost to Bridges’ door, he said.

“We decided, in the best interest of public safety, to secure the building,” Davis said of the town’s legal right to take action.


Bridges passed away March 1, but the property had supposedly been vacant since he went into a nursing home last summer.  

The town hired a crew and machinery from E.L. Vining & Son to move an old bus, recreation trailer and small car from the property. These are being held in a secure place until the estate is processed through probate court, Davis said.

The windows will be boarded and the doors secured to prevent future entrance.

The estimated cost of a few hundred dollars will be funded by the town’s legal reserve account since it’s a legal issue and an unexpected expense, Davis said.

Code Enforcement Officer Steve Kaiser developed the plan.

Members of Farmington Fire and Rescue and the town’s public works and police departments began working about noon Thursday to clear and secure the property.

Town crews work Thursday afternoon with E.L. Vining & Son to secure the property of Joel (Batzell) Bridges in Farmington.


Town crews work Thursday afternoon with E.L. Vining & Son to secure the property of Joel (Batzell) Bridges in Farmington.