Money, repurposing and a name change will never eradicate the spirit, sacraments and memories associated with St. Patrick’s Church (story, Sun Journal, March 20). A grand mockery is being made of a stately religious institution in the name of this new “transformational,” “artistic, culinary and cultural hub.” Never mentioned are the for-profit motives of this new “gathering place.”

To me, St. Patrick’s Church is and will always be a church. No ceremonial deconsecration or name change can remove its purpose and function. That building holds my memories of many, many spiritual and sacramental ceremonies and services. It is the church where my parents married, attended baptisms, watched their children’s first communion, gave confessions, attended mass, took communion, celebrated weddings and mourned at funerals.

Relatives participated in the choir and directed singing activities. My dearest and oldest friend played the church organ.

My parents are now deceased. They are laid to rest in the parish’s cemetery. Their voices cannot speak. So I ask that no further mockery be made of their belief and their church. Please let the souls of the faithful departed and the spiritual living rest and remain in peace.

A tremendous injustice was done in selling that church. Let no further mockery be made of that religious institution and the faithful families who supported that parish.

Patricia Callioras, Belmont, N.H.