I visited Gettysburg recently. I was looking forward to seeing the 20th Maine Infantry monument site. The weather was wonderful; the memorials were fantastic. The only fly in the ointment was when I finally got to the monument for the 20th Maine Infantry. I was very disappointed to find the meager memorial they had and how out-of-the way the site was compared to the other monument sites.

There was a battle that, if the outcome had been different, we might all be whistling Dixie right now.

That is what I could not understand. That monument was hard to find, compared to so many other monuments. Also, to me, there should have been a statue of Joshua Chamberlain.

Did Maine not have the funds for a better monument? If not, why not? The 6th Maine Infantry had a very nice monument that was easy to find compared to the site for the 20th.

I will have to write to my state representatives and find out how to raise funds to make that site better. Also, find out how to go about finding what the cost would be for such a venture.

Clem Bechard, Lewiston

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