
Sunday, April 24 two-ball blind draw results: Net – 1. Jim Murphy/John Pleau +12, 2. Sid Cohan/Ron Leeman +6, 3. Mike Mansir/Mike Burian +5; Pins – No. 2 Ron Leeman 12’11”, No. 8 Jim Murphy 6’9″, No. 13 Leo Bellemare 18’11”, No. 15 George Ames 29′; Skins: Net – No. 2 Jim Murphy, No. 4 Ron Leeman, No. 6 George Ames, No. 9 Jay Levasseur; Gross – No. 4 Ron Leeman, No. 9 Jay Levasseur.

Saturday, April 23 two-ball blind draw results: Net – 1. Rick St. Laurent/Ron Leeman 62, 2. Bong Adil/Tyler Tyburski 63; Gross – Ken Carver/Jay Hopkins 72; Pins – No. 2 Rick Carleton 10’6″, No. 8 Jay Hopkins 15’11”, No. 13 Jay Hopkins 5’9″, No. 15 Jay Hopkins 30’1″. Skins: Net – Trent Muphy No. 4 and No.9, Ken Carver No. 6, Jay Levasseur No. 10, Pat Murphy No. 12, Jay Hopkins No. 13; Gross – Trent Murphy No. 4, Ken Carver No. 6 and No. 18, Jay Levasseur No. 10,  Jay Hopkins No. 13, Ron Leeman No. 16.


Spring ABCW, April 24 results: 1. Keith Desjardins/Bob Johnson/John Bryant/ George Abaire -30, 2. David Bailey/Bob Grenier/Dave Caron/Ron Howe -28. 3. Reco Arnoldy/Hal Trantor/Doug Caron/Peter Rybeck -26, 4. Brian Bilodeau, Dick Boucher/John Moreau/Brian Boucher -24; Pins. No. 2. 1. Dave Depot 5-2. Jim Hutchinson 11-1. No.3. Craig Davis 11-6. No. 8. 1. Bob Johnson 12-1. 2. Scott McCurdy 13-10. 3. John Lever 14-0. No. 11. 1. Tony Dubois 12-2. 2. Rich Asselin 20-11. 3. Steve Caoette 21-9. No. 13. 1. Dave Greenlaw 5-8 1/2. 2. PG Cote 16-5. 3. Bill Gendron 17-6.

Fox Ridge


Sunday, April 24 results: Gross – 1. Kelly Cates 77, 2. Matt Ouellette 78, 3. Craig Chapman 82, 3. Rocky Copp 82; Net – 1. Loran Cayer 69, 2. Rex Smith 71, 3. Mike Fortin 73, 4. Matt Brooker 74; Two-ball results: Gross – 1. David Gross/Kelly Cates 77, 2. Carl Goody/Kelly Cates 77; Net –  1. Craig Chapman/Loren Cayer 69, 2. Bruce Cox/Loren Cayer 69; Pins – No. 5 Matt Brooker 31’5″, No. 13 Jon Grant 20’1″.

Saturday, April 23 results: Gross – Craig Chapman 72; Net – Kelly Cates 73; Two-ball gross – Craig Chapman/Gary Chapman 72, Two-ball net – Craig Chapman/Matt Ouellette 70; Pins – No. 5 Kelly Cates 29′, No. 13 Rocky Copp 7’8″.


Saturday, April 23 results: Gross – 1. Andrew Slattery 72, 2. Wayne Fillion 79, 3. Jace Pearson 80; Net – 1. Jim Hood 85-72, 1. Sam Evrard 83-72, 1. Fred Hall Jr. 82-72; Two-ball wheel gross – 1. Wayne Fillion/Andrew Slattery 66, 2. Will Kannegieser/Jace Pearson 68, 3. Marc Kannegieser/Will Kannegieser 69, 3. Tom MerrillAndrew Slattery 69; Two-ball wheel net – 1. Jim Hood/Sam Evrard 64, 2. Tony Ferguson/Jim Hood 65, 2. Sam Evrard/Tony Ferguson 65, 4. Mark Rock/Sam Evrard 66; Skins: Gross – Andrew Slattery No. 1, No. 7 and No. 16, Eric Fillion No. 4, Tim Jordan No. 5, Paul Leclair No. 11, Jace Pearson No. 13, Wayne Fillion No. 18; Net – Mitch Sweetser No. 8, Terri Leclair No. 9.

Friday April 22 results: Gross – 1. Bob Blanchette 82, 2. Johnny Emerson 83 (by match); Net – 1. Ray Faucher 83-66, 2. Claude Heutz 86-74; Pins – No. 4 Kristin Kannegisieser 9’4″, No. 9. Johnny Emerson 4’6″, No. 11 Kristin Kannegieser 14′; Skins – Ron Morin No. 6, Ray Faucher No. 8, Kristin Kannegiser No. 11, Chad Schrepper No. 14, Johnny Emerson No. 18 (eagle).


Sunday, April 24 results – Closest to the Pin – Gangbusters Gerrymandering Boudreau 24’8″.

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