SABATTUS — The Sabattus Rec Club Running Program will hold its first Scrabble Scramble on Saturday, May 21, beginning at 1:30 p.m., at the Pleasant Hill Road ballfields. There will be two events, the first for ages 5-8 and an event for ages 9-12. The younger group will be allowed to have spelling helpers.

The Scrabble Scramble will combine speed, exercise and spelling all into one event. Participants will be shown eight different exercises and will move as quickly as possible to each of eight stations. They will perform the number of reps for that exercise station.  At each station, each participant will collect a random Scrabble letter tile. Once the course is completed, they will return to the start area to use their letters to try to create words. Ribbons will be given for the first word, the longest word and the word worth the most Scrabble points.

Registration will begin at 1 p.m. and is open to any child from the Oak Hill area. There will be $3 registration fee for one child or $5 for two or more from the same family. Each registered child will receive a certificate for a free Olympia Sports t-shirt.

A few volunteers are still needed. Anyone interested in helping, please call Jon at 375-8105 or email

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