AUBURN — In his monthly radio appearance on Lewiston-Auburn station Z105.5, Sen. Eric Brakey, R-Auburn, announced the launch of his 2016 re-election campaign.

“My priority in the Senate is always to help my constituents back home while advocating for limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal freedom from Augusta,” Brakey said in a prepared statement.

“I look forward to continuing that work for two more years, and I am not taking a single vote for granted,” Brakey said. “This summer and fall, I will be out in the community earning the support of the people of Auburn, New Gloucester, Poland, Minot and Mechanic Falls. I look forward to visiting with the citizens of District 20, and am grateful for the bipartisan outpouring of support I have already heard.”

Brakey was first elected in 2014, when he received a majority of votes in all five municipalities in District 20, making him the only Republican challenger to win a majority in Auburn since Olympia Snowe in 1976.

He faces Democratic challenger Kimberly Samson, also of Auburn.

As a freshman legislator, Brakey served as chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, which has one of the largest workloads in the Legislature, his release stated.


Brakey successfully negotiated several welfare reform initiatives, including a bipartisan compromise prohibiting the use of welfare benefits for alcohol, cigarettes and lottery tickets.

Brakey also championed Second Amendment rights, shepherding constitutional carry to success in a divided Legislature in 2015.

An outspoken advocate for Maine’s taxpayers, Brakey led the fight against the creation of a $50 million taxpayer-financed corporate loan program, he said.

“Jobs are created with free market policies, not corporate welfare,” Brakey said.

Brakey also volunteers in the community and mentors a child through Big Brothers, Big Sisters. He also serves on the board of directors for the Lewiston-Auburn Community Little Theatre and is active with the Young Professionals of the Lewiston Auburn Area.