LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen on Tuesday voted 5-0 after a public hearing to grant a special amusement permit for Livermore Falls History Night.

The event will take place Friday, May 27, from 4 to 8 p.m. in the downtown area. 

The board also voted to waive the permit fee for the event.

Town Manager Kristal Flagg noted that the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce will host it using its own insurance.

“I hope they have good weather,” Chairwoman Louise Chabot said.

History Night had been sponsored by the Livermore Falls Downtown Betterment Group until last year, when the Chamber of Commerce took it on after the Betterment Group disbanded.


During History Night, all spaces downtown along Route 17 between the railroad tracks will be reserved for antique vehicles. Classic cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles are expected to be on display.

Gina Balsamo-Labbe is coordinating Art in the Park, which will take place primarily in Union Park and the Medical Arts Building parking lot. It is designed to showcase the artistic and musical talents of individuals and/or groups.

Also part of the festivities will be tractor rides around the downtown, offered by Jason Gibbs. The Livermore and Livermore Falls historical societies will have displays in the Knowlton Block.

Area Youth Sports will sell food. Kenny Smith and Treat Memorial Library will offer snow cones and popcorn. Other local nonprofits will also hold fundraisers.

In other business selectmen:

* Set May 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office to discuss options for repairing the town’s fire station. Flagg said that she hoped to have estimated prices for the options from architect George Parker by the end of the week.

* Noted that after an executive session on May 3, they approved a three-year extension of Flagg’s contract. She will receive $60,000 per year. When asked how much she had been receiving per year in the previous three-year contract, selectmen responded that Flagg had been getting $57,400 per year.