BETHEL — The Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 Monday evening to approve the warrant for the annual town meeting.

The warrant articles will be decided at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, at Crescent Park Elementary School.

The municipal budget is $3.85 million, a slight increase over this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

Town Manager Christine Landes said a majority of the increase is for capital improvements, including a new ambulance and upgrades to the Town Office and Transfer Station.

In other business, selectmen unanimously approved the $158,455 Bethel Airport budget proposal for 2016-17. Landes said the Airport Authority approved the budget at its last meeting.

She told the board that while their operating surplus is listed as $67,669, it is expected to decrease after the airport purchases fuel “sometime in the next couple of weeks, which will probably cost between $30,000 and $35,000.”

“Otherwise, the airport is in perfect shape,” she said.

Selectman Don Bennett said it was “good to see the airport in the black again.”