LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen voted Tuesday to transfer interest in a 23 High St. property foreclosed because of unpaid sewer fees to abutters Ted and Laura Lowell.

Town Manager Kristal Flagg said sewer fees of $782 had been unpaid by the previous owner, and taxes of $2,927 were also owed on the property.

“The property is in horrible disarray,” she said. “It’s a health hazard. It’s not safe.”

She recommended that the property be cleaned up and that it be given to the Lowells, who were interested in removing the junk and trash from the land and from a house on the lot.

“It is a health hazard for surrounding homeowners,” said Code Enforcement Officer Rob Overton, who added that the house was in such poor condition that it wasn’t livable.

In the agreement between selectmen and the Lowells, junk must be removed from the land outside the house within 60 days. After that task is completed, another 90 days will be given to remove trash and junk inside the home.


Once that is done, the Lowells will have 18 months to either make the home habitable or remove it. As long as the stipulations are met, the Lowells will get to keep the property; otherwise, it reverts back to the town.

In other business:

* Katherine Rollins, co-chairwoman of a four-person Parade Committee formed to organize the Jay-Livermore Falls Independence Day parade, said the committee has started a GoFundMe account, and has a Facebook page titled “Save the 4th of July Parade” at, set to take place July 3. The lineup is at 4 p.m. and the parade starts at 5 p.m.

* This summer, the Spruce Mountain Summer Recreation Program will take place at the former Livermore Falls High School cafeteria, as it has in the recent past.

Flagg said that it was originally scheduled to be held at Livermore Elementary School, but work taking place there this summer to reorganize the school had forced the summer recreation program to find another venue.

* Selectman James Collins and Selectwoman Mary Young have decided not to run for re-election, so Tuesday’s meeting was their last. Selectmen and Flagg thanked Collins and Young for their service on the board.


Collins noted that he had served as the town’s representative to the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments since he was elected to the Board of Selectmen in 2003 and he would like to continue in that capacity.

Selectmen voted to let him continue serving as the Livermore Falls AVCOG representative.

* Elections and voting on the town and school warrant are June 14 at the Town Office from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.