
Monday, June 6 Mixed two person scramble results: Gross — 1. Debbie Murphy/Trent Murphy 33 1. Rachel Newman/Don Rahmlow 33;  Net — 1. Claire Carpentier/Bill Crane 26.25 2. Holly Cooper/Sid Cohen 28.25; Pins — No. 2 Mike Starn 13’11” No. 8 Sid Cohen 17’9″.

Saturday, June 4 Member-Member Alternate Shot results: Net — 1. Bob Ken/Sid Cohen 69/57 2. Jay Hopkins/Moe Morin 73/59 3. Ken Carver/John Goulet 74/59 3. Debbie Murphy/Trent Murphy 78/59 3. Jim Horn/Mike Starn 80/59; Gross — Tim Mynahan/Dick Therrien 75 1. Ron Leeman/Matt Beckim 75 1. Mike Burian/Rachel Newman 75; Pins — No. 2 Rick Shea 19’10” No. 8 Sid Cohen 7’1″ No. 13 Bob Kent 2’6″ No. 15 Tim Mynahan 5’5″ Skins: Gross — B.Kent/S.Cohen No. 3, No 5, No. 11, No. 13, M.Kent/M.Mansir No 6 and No. 14, K.Carver/J.Goulet No. 10; Net — J.Horn/M.Starn No. 2, B.Kent/S.Cohen No. 3, No 5 and No. 11, R.Carleton/G.Laroche No. 8, K.Carver/J.Goulet No. 10, M.Kent/M.Mansir No. 14, P.Murphy/J.Fennessy No. 15, J.Pietroski/M.Pietroski No. 16.

Fox Ridge

Saturday, June 4 results: Gross — 1. Craig Chapman 71 2. Dylan Rodrigue 74; Net —1. Kelly Cates 69 2. Mike Fortin 70; Two-Ball Gross  — 1. Matt Ouellette/Craig Chapman 64 2. Craig Chapman/Perry Goodspeed 65; Two-Ball Net — 1. Kelly Cates/Mike Fortin 57 2. Craig Chapman/Mike Fortin 59; Pins — No. 3 Kelly Cates 16’10” No. 16 Perry Goodspeed 4’9″.

Wednesday, June 1 results: 1. Turcotte/Boulet 16 2. Gross/Godin 15.5 3. Grondin/Goody 15 3. Tiner/Carroll15 3. Cameron/Breau 15 6. Caiani/Breton 14 6. Roberge/Garey 14 8. Copp/Cox 13.5 8. Ouellette/Fitzgerald 13.5 10. Gilbert/Cloutier 13 10. Camire/Whitney 13 12. Blouin/Grant 12 12. Cox/Coutts 12 12. Provencher/Dee 12 15. Hartnett/Philbrook 11.5 16. Smith/Cates 11.


Wednesday, May 25 results — 1. Grondin/Goody 19 2. Tiner/Carroll 17 3. Cameron/Breau 16.5 4. Smith/Cates 15.5 4. Provencher/Dee 15.5 6. Copp/Cox 14 6. Gross/Godin 14 6. Gilbert/Cloutier 14 9. Turcotte/Boulet 13 9. Blouin/Grant 13 9. Roberge/Garey 13 12. Caiani/Breton 11.5 12. Hartnett/Philbrook 11.5 14. Ouellette/Fitzgerald 10.5 15. Camire/Whitney 10 16. Cox/Coutts 8

Poland Spring

Sunday, June 5 results: Gross — Tom LeBlond 75; Net — 1. Tom Schultz 65 2. Erik Tiner 66 3. Brian Briggs 67 4. Lisa Laliberte 68 4. Ballard Nash 68; Pin — No. 6 1. Tom Schultz 4’10” 2. Larry Ross 6’5″  

Saturday, June 4 Two ball-net results: 1. Brian Briggs/Jack Conway 55 2. Gary Fecteau/Dan Boucher 60 2. Larry Ross/Jill Ross 60; Skins: Net — Leesa/Gordie Smith No. 1, Stan Tetenman/Ralph Maines No. 4, Brian Briggs & Jack Conway No. 5, No.6, No.9, Jill/Larry Ross No. 7, Gil Poliquin/Bill Durkin No. 10, Roger Charpentier/Blind Partner No. 13, Larry/Michelle Bates No. 14 and No. 17, Mike Labbe/Allen Gendreau No. 16; Pin — No. 8 Lynne Durkin 8’1″. 

Tuesday, May 31 Ladies Twilight League results: 1. Sandi Piper/Emily Piper/Nina Bartlett/Maureen Mayo 39 2. Jan Davis/Cindy Halliday/Elaine Dube/Ethel Landry 46 3. Michaeline Belanger/Jill Longstaff/Ann Martel/Karen Nichols 51 4. Roxanne Dion/Anne Printup/Luvon Nash 53; Pin — No. 6 1. Sandi Piper 0″ 2. Pat Maines 24’6″; Chipping Contest — 1. Mona Bergeron 3’9″ 2. Theresa Bazinet 4’1″

Apple Valley


Wednesday, June 1 Ladies League results: Gross: A —Dorina Martin 43 B — Monique Shrader 54; Net: A — Jeanne Read 34 B — Kathy Pross 35; S.E.N: Net — Dorina Martin 14; Fewest Putts  — Claire Amero 15; 50/50 — Dorina Martin. 


Saturday, June 4 Couples Scramble: 1. Pam Lyons/Greg Dawson 30.88 2. Diane/Don Johnson 31.40 3. Marshall/Ginny Todd 31.75 4. Butch/Jan McKenna 31.83.

Friday, June 3 Men’s League two of three team points results: 1. Don Johnson/Mike Kersey/Jim Testa +1 2. Shawn Riley/Greg Dawson/Marc Mayo E 2. George Virgin/Chuck Welch/Tim Chambers E, Fred Kent/Denis Wotton/Frank Luther E; Pin — No. 13 Fred Kent 27’8″.

Thursday, June 2 Women’s League results: 1. Jackie Kilbreth +3.5 2. Pam Lyons +3 3. Jan Miceriz +1 3. Sis Haynes +1; Poker Golf — 1. Jan McKenna six-6s 2. Jackie Kilbreth six-5s.

Pine Acres 


Monday, June 6 Senior Scramble results: First Flight — Dick Caron/Dick Ricker/Dwight Webb/Mike Huthcinson; Second Flight — Wayne Seger/Phil Moreau/Jean Côte/Anita Morin; Third Flight — Norm Polley/Dan Asselin/Steve Saucier/ Jeannette Côte; Closest to the Pin — Jeannette Côte 0″; 50/50 — Diane Doyon/Jeanne Hutchinson.


Saturday, June 4 results: 0-9 Handicap: Gross — 1. Joe Baker 72 2. Andrew Slattery 73 3. Matt Simard 74; Net — 1. Neil Mayo 67 2. Scott Lever 69 2. Doug Craib 69; 10+ Handicap: Gross — 1. John Emerson 77 2. John Wallingford 84; Net — 1. Chip Morrison 82/69 2. Ray Faucher 88/72; White Tees: Net — Claude Huetz 83; Team Points — 1. Paul Leclair/Phil Nadeau/Terri Leclair/Carol Burnham +15 2. Scott Lever/Matt Nicole/Doug Craib/Neil Mayo +9 3. Brian Gallagher/Jim Helmkamp/Ray Bedette/Paul Fillion +8 4. Eric Fillion/Paul Fillion/Bill Healey/Mitch Sweetser +6; Skins: Gross — CJ Bergeron No. 3, Andrew Slattery No. 7 and No. 15, Joe Baker No. 10, Brian Genest No. 13, Johnny Emerson No. 17; Net — Terri Leclair No. 1, Nina Bartlett No. 4, John Emerson No. 6, Phil Nadeau No. 8.

Friday, June 3 Mini member-guest two-ball results: Gross — 1. Tom Merrill/Jason Dolley 67 2. Scott Lever/John Lever 73 3. Steve Morin/Randy Chicoine 75; Net — 1. Aaron Muse/Jarod Richard 61 2. Marc Gosselin/ Norm Gosselin 63 2.  Felix Lincoln/Steve Scotia 63. Pin — No. 13 Nick Hogan 8’10”; Skins: Gross — Tom Merrill No. 6, Jason Dolley No. 9; Net — Jason Agren No. 10, Dan Mynahan No. 14, Mike Dunn No. 15.

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