FARMINGTON — Regional School Unit 9 voters rejected a proposed $32.97 million budget Tuesday by a vote of 1,518 to 1,655.

Voters were favoring keeping a two-step voting process in place on a proposed budget for the next three years 2,183-908.

The district currently uses the two-step process.

Farmington voters approved the budget in a vote of 666-511. They also voted to keep a two-step voting process in place for budgets for the next three years. There will continue to be a districtwide budget vote followed by a yes-or-no referendum. 

Industry residents also passed the budget 74-69 and continued the voting process 113-29.

Starks residents voted 69-6 to approve the budget and kept the two-step process by a vote of 58-18.


Weld townspeople voted 42-39 to approve the budget and 56-23 to keep the voting process as is.

Chesterville voters and New Vineyard voters rejected the budget by a 59-197 vote and 30-129 vote, respectively.

Vienna residents rejected the budget 48-50, and kept the two-step voting process 63-34.

New Sharon voters rejected the budget 107-215 but approved keeping the voting process as is by a vote of 248-69.

Temple residents also rejected the budget, 61-69 and kept the two-step voting process by a vote of 90-38.

Wilton voters opposed the budget 362-367 but approved the budget process 2,183-908.

The budget reflects an increase of $929,273 more than the current budget. 

NOTE: The overall budget vote and the number of no votes for Farmington has been changed to reflect the correct numbers. The information was incorrectly submitted to the Sun Journal.