CAMDEN — Camden National Bank, through The Bank of Maine Charitable Foundation, is accepting nominations for the 2016 Leaders & Luminaries Award competition.

The statewide search honors four of Maine’s leading nonprofit board members and presents them with cash awards for their organizations. Leaders & Luminaries recognizes board members who have effectively used inspiration, creativity and ingenuity in board governance and whose contributions have led to the organization’s growth, successful transition or financial stability.

The Leaders & Luminaries Award competition is open to any board director of a 501(c)(3) organization based in Maine who can demonstrate how inspiration, creativity and ingenuity in governance has led to his or her organization’s success. 

Four awards totaling $20,000 through The Bank of Maine Charitable Foundation will be awarded to this year’s winners at a special ceremony during the Maine Association of Nonprofits Executive Leadership Forum, Building Board Engagement” on Nov. 10 in Freeport.

Deadline for entries is Sept. 2.