Whatever happened to celebrating the Fourth of July — Independence Day — on the Fourth of July? Imagine giving your children Christmas presents every morning during December, or giving your love a Valentine gift every day during February or handing out candy to costumed children every night during October. Yet, I have been listening to the booming noise of fireworks every night since July 1 at the small lake on which I have a cottage.

Regardless of pollution and the disturbance of nature, my neighbors continue to celebrate. I wonder, at this point, if they even remember what is being celebrated on the Fourth of July. Instead of celebrating the end of a war and the nation’s independence from English rule, I feel like I am living in a war zone.

The town of Poland has legalized the purchase and use of fireworks, with no restrictions, and insanity has set in. Just because people can, does that mean people should? Are we so addicted to noise and flash that we no longer respect our neighbors or the natural beauty of our surroundings?

I hope not.

I propose that we let freedom ring out on the Fourth of July with as much fanfare as originally intended so that we do not lose the importance of the date.

Katherine Carroll, Poland

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