LIVERMORE — Administrative Assistant Amy Byron reminded selectpersons Tuesday night that applications for the Pollard Scholarship are available during business hours at the Town Office.

Completed applications are due back by 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 8.

A committee will review the applications, Byron said.

The Pollard Scholarship was started in 1980 after it was learned that former Livermore resident Augustus Pollard had left investment money in his will for the town to establish a fund so that one Livermore resident each year could receive help toward higher education expenses. 

To be eligible, the person must show proof of residence in Livermore for at least five years and a statement explaining why he or she is seeking assistance. A transcript or statement from an adviser showing the successful completion of one unit at the school of their choice is also required.

Pollard Scholarship recipients must wait a year before reapplying.


In other business, Renee Grondin told selectpersons the Brettuns Wheelers ATV Club had its trail closed on Hathaway Hill. The club wants to use the old county road for access, but needs permission for the last 0.8 miles to where the tar ends.

The Jay ATV Club has the same problem on one road, Grondin said.

If approval is given, Grondin plans to post signs at either end listing the speed limit and warning riders to keep to the right. 

Selectperson Timothy Kachnovich said the speed limit is usually 10 mph in such cases.

“We’re addressing problems as we go,” Grondin said. “Once this trail is fixed, we can get to all area trails.” 

Selectpersons voted to allow the Brettuns Wheelers ATV Club use of the public way as requested.