DIXFIELD — The 39th annual Dixfield Outdoor Market is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21, and for the first time, a parade will kick off the festivities, Planning Committee member Kristi Holmquist said.

Holmquist said the setup will begin at 8 a.m. and the parade will start at 9 a.m. from the corner of Mill and Main streets.

The parade will step off from the corner of Mill and Main streets, travel up Main Street toward Bangor Savings Bank, before turning right up Weld Street. Holmquist said the parade will end in the Dirigo High School parking lot.

The Planning Committee is asking people to register for the parade if they wish to participate, she said. 

“We’re encouraging local teens, clubs, organizations, political parties, people with antique cars, bands, people riding ATVs (to register),” Holmquist said. “If people want to put floats together, they can. They can also decorate their bikes, wagons or strollers.

Holmquist added that there will be a car show at Dirigo High School on the same day. She encouraged those with antique cars to drive them in the parade. 


The 5-kilometer race would begin at the same time and location as the parade, she said. 

“At the front of the parade, we’ll have our 5K racers lined up,” Holmquist said. “When the parade starts, the 5K racers will take off and continue along their own route.”

The Outdoor Market began under the direction of resident Norine Clarke and her late husband, Ralph. As part of the market, dozens of crafters, service agencies, community organizations, school groups and others set up booths offering a variety of items.

Holmquist said the Dixfield Outdoor Market Planning Committee, co-chaired by Deb Morang and Leslie Skibitsky, will meet again at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3, in the Ludden Memorial Library basement.

Holmquist said there is still plenty of room for vendors to register for the event, and those interested should pick up registration forms at the Town Office.

Those interested in registering for the parade may call 418-7756. To register in the 5K race, call 562-4448.
